What are the limitations of behavioral cloning?

There are a couple of problems that can arise when using behavioral cloning, especially with LLMs, that we should be aware of.

  • Confident incorrectness: During the demonstrations, the human experts have some amount of background knowledge that they rely on, which is not taught to the model. For example, when training an LLM to have conversations using behavioral cloning, the human demonstrator might less frequently ask certain questions because they are considered ‘common sense’. A model trained to imitate will copy both - the types of questions asked in conversation, as well as the frequency with which they are asked. Humans already possess this background knowledge, but an LLM doesn’t. This means that to have the same level of information as a human, the model should ask some questions more frequently to fill the gaps in its knowledge. But since the model seeks to imitate, it will stick to the low frequency demonstrated by the human and thus has strictly less information overall than the demonstrator for the same conversational task. Despite this dearth of knowledge, we expect it to be able to perform as a clone and reach human-level performance. This means in order to reach human performance on less than human knowledge it will resort to ‘making up facts’ that help it reach its performance goals. These ‘hallucinations’ will then be presented during the conversation, with the same level of confidence as all the other information. Hallucinations and confident incorrectness is an empirically verified problem in many LLMs including GPT-2 and 3, and raises obvious concerns for AI safety.

  • Underachieving: The types of hallucinations mentioned above arose because the model knew too little. However, the model can also know too much. If the model knows more than the human demonstrator because it is able to find more patterns in the environment state that it is given, it will throw away that information and reduce its performance to match human level. This is because it is trained as a ‘clone’. Ideally, we don’t want the model dumbing itself down or not disclosing useful new patterns in data just because it is trying to be humanlike or perform at a human level. This is another problem that will have to be addressed if behavioral cloning continues to be used as a ML technique.