What are some helpful AI policy resources?
AI Safety Fundamentals' Governance Course is a curriculum designed to cover some research up to 2022 on why AI governance may be important to work on now, what large-scale risks AI poses, which actors will play key roles in steering AI’s trajectory, and which strategic considerations and policy tools may influence how these actors will or should steer.
Worldwide AI governance and policy-making:
The Global AI Policy Dashboard page highlights four complementary resources to help decision makers navigate AI policy: a dashboard that helps analyze the current documents published on the OECD website, a global landscape of national and international AI strategies, a list of prominent AI policy challenges and key recommendations that have been made to address them, and a list of AI policy resources for those hoping to learn more.
United States:
NCSL: Legislation Related to Artificial Intelligence covers key legislation related to AI issues generally. Legislation related solely to specific AI technologies, such as facial recognition or autonomous cars, is being tracked separately. Search for “Enacted” to see which ones are already enforced in various states.
The ‘AI Risk Management Framework’ (AI RMF) is a tool that developers can use to determine if their systems can be trusted. Through the National AI Initiative Act of 2020, the US Congress asked the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to “develop… a voluntary risk management framework for trustworthy artificial intelligence systems.”
- The Artificial Intelligence Act website provides updates on and analyses of the proposed EU Artificial Intelligence Act.
Further reading: