What training programs and courses are available for AI safety?
See the AISafety.com list of events and training programs for an up-to-date list of programs and conferences, with application dates. Also see the AISafety.com list of courses for curricula and reading lists for self-led learning.
AI Safety Fundamentals (technical and governance) - The canonical AGI safety 101 course. 3.5 hours reading, 1.5 hours talking in a cohort with a facilitator every week for 8 weeks. The syllabus is also publicly available.
AI safety camp - A program that connects you with a team and research lead to collaborate on a research project..
SERI ML Alignment Theory Scholars Program (SERI MATS) - Four weeks developing an understanding of a research agenda at the forefront of AI alignment through online readings and cohort discussions, averaging 10 h/week. After this initial upskilling period, the scholars will be paired with an established AI alignment researcher for a two-week ‘research sprint’ to test fit. Assuming all goes well, scholars will be accepted into an eight-week intensive scholars program in Berkeley, California.
Principles of Intelligent Behavior in Biological and Social Systems (PIBBSS) - Brings together young researchers studying complex and intelligent behavior in natural and social systems.
Safety and Control for Artificial General Intelligence - An actual AI Safety university course (UC Berkeley). Touches multiple domains including cognitive science, utility theory, cybersecurity, human-machine interaction, and political science.