Can we get AGI by scaling up architectures similar to current ones, or are we missing key insights?
It's an open question whether we can create AGI
Shorthand for “computing power”. It may refer to, for instance, physical infrastructure such as CPUs or GPUs that perform processing, or the amount of processing power needed to train a model.
Some researchers have formulated empirical scaling laws as an attempt to formalize the relationship between the compute requirements and the capabilities of AI models.
For a variety of opinions on this question, see:
Gwern on the scaling hypothesis.
Daniel Kokotajlo on what we could do with a trillion times as much compute as current models use.
Rohin Shah on the likelihood that scaling current techniques will produce AGI.
Rich Sutton's "The Bitter Lesson", which argues that more computation beats leveraging existing human knowledge.
Gary Marcus's "The New Science of Alt Intelligence", which argues that current deep learning systems are limited and scaling will not help.
AI Impacts' "Evidence against current methods leading to human level artificial intelligence".