22 pages tagged "Resources"
What are some helpful AI policy resources?
What are some good podcasts about AI safety?
What are some good books about AI safety?
I’d like to get deeper into the AI alignment literature. Where should I look?
I want to work on AI safety. How can I get funding?
What are some simple things I can do to contribute to AI safety?
How and why should I form my own views about AI safety?
How can I convince others and present the arguments well?
What is everyone working on in AI governance?
Where can I learn more about AI alignment?
Where can I find people to talk to about AI alignment?
What training programs and courses are available for AI safety?
What should I read to learn about decision theory?
What links are especially valuable to share on social media or other contexts?
What is everyone working on in AI alignment?
What are some exercises and projects I can try?
What are some introductions to AI safety?
What are some arguments why AI safety might be less important?
What are some AI governance exercises and projects I can try?
How can I work on AI safety outreach in academia and among experts?
How can I work on AI policy?
What master's thesis could I write about AI safety?